Monday, June 3, 2013



Breastfeeding has many benefits for both you and your baby. By learning about the benefits and techniques of breastfeeding and building good support resources before you deliver your baby, the better your chances will be to continue breastfeeding when you become discouraged or frustrated as a new nursing mom, which I learned the hard way from personal experience.

1. Benefits of breastfeeding:

When you nurse your baby after birth, a hormone is released to help reduce uterine bleeding and help the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size. As you continue to nurse, extra calories are burned, helping you lose the extra pounds gained in pregnancy. Overall, you will save time and money in not having to clean bottles and buy formula. The later benefits have been found to include lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer, and osteoporosis (bone loss).

For your baby, breast milk provides the best nutrition with just the right amount of vitamins, protein, and fat, for your infant's health and growth. It has antibodies to help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria, and reduce risk of asthma or allergy development.

For additional benefits, click on the link below.

2. Basic breastfeeding positions: There are varied ways to position your baby during breastfeeding. Try the various positions to find out which position is most comfortable for you and your baby, since this will allow you both to relax and promote the best flow of milk.

Click on the link below for visuals of the above techniques-

3. Breastfeeding Support Groups: Look online for a support group or ask your pregnancy doctor for a local support group in your area. Establish these contacts prior to your baby's birth. Here are a few online recommendations which may help you get started.

Written by: Shelley Scheibel, RN, BSN


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