Monday, July 8, 2013

Week by Week Pregnancy

                                                            Week by Week Pregnancy

Let's assume that your menstrual period occurs every 28-30 days and on a particular month you don't start your period as usual. Being 2 weeks late for your period,  you begin to think that you may possibly be pregnant, and sure enough you test positive by a home pregnancy test! Now 4 weeks late for your period, you go to your pregnancy doctor for an appointment and discover that you are already 8 weeks pregnant! How is it that you are 8 weeks pregnant already, only 4 weeks after your missed period?

Calculating pregnancy weeks can be very confusing! But, consider that week 1 of your pregnancy is calculated as the first day of your last period. So, based off of the traditional 40 weeks of pregnancy calculation method, at the time of conception (day 14 of your cycle, when egg and sperm unite) you are already 2 weeks pregnant, even though you are not!

For a clearer understanding, view the fictitious week by week pregnancy scenario below:

June 1-8:   (Week 1)- Menstrual period began on June 1, marking day 1 of cycle.

June 9-15: (Week 2)- Conception (egg released from ovary & united with sperm) occurred on
                                  ~June 15, marking day 15 of cycle.

June 16-23: (Week 3)

June 24-30: (Week 4)- Period expected to start ~June 30th, but didn't!, marking day 30 of cycle.

July 15: (Week 6)- 2 weeks late for period. Positive home pregnancy test. Scheduled appointment
                              with pregnancy doctor to confirm pregnancy.

August 1: (Week 8)- Pregnancy confirmed by doctor, saying you are 8 weeks pregnant!
                                 You get to hear your baby's heart beat & could have heard it even
                                  2 weeks ago!

Week by week, you will have exciting moments to look forward to in your pregnancy...

October 5 (Week 18): You may feel "quickening" (1st movements of your baby)!

March 7, 2014 (Week 40): Your baby's due date!

Written by: Shelley Scheibel RN, BSN



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