Monday, November 12, 2012

                   Carrying everything, but the kitchen sink?

You may have heard someone say that a mom carries everything but the kitchen sink in her purse! Well, this may be quite an exaggeration, but it seems that this comment has come from the fact that a mom learns to carry many things in her purse, just in case the unexpected happens! And, perhaps she began to learn this when she became a new mom!  As a mom or dad of a newborn, you will find yourself carrying just about everything but the kitchen sink in your newborn's diaper bag, too! We all quickly learn that we need to be well prepared, just in case the unexpected happens, especially when it comes to being a new parent!

One day, when I was happily driving my 2 young children and newborn to get their hand prints pressed into clay to make a beautiful ceramic plate, the unexpected happened!  As I carefully took my newborn out of her car seat, she had a projectile explosion all over her & my new outfit! This is when I learned that not only did I need to carry an extra one or two outfits for her, but also for myself! Most of the time, a diaper bag is the home for diapers, wipes, bottles, baby food, bottom balm, lil' outfits and pacifiers, but wouldn't it be nice if it had room for a change of clothes for mom or dad, too?

Needless to say, I soon came to realize the need for a larger diaper bag, one that could come in handy on those days when bigger things were to happen than I had expected, which seems to happen quite often in the life of parents with newborns! If you are going to be out and about for the day,  ModMomMaternity suggests the backpack diaper bag. Our online store offers a wide selection of the best diaper bags by Kalencom. We would love for you to stop by and see for yourself! Oh, and by the way, we'd love for you to share your story of when you could have used a larger diaper bag for your "unexpected happening!"


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