Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Challenging Experience: Breastfeeding!

The experience of breastfeeding can be challenging for the new mom, is surely was for me with my first born! However, it was a totally different experience with my second and third babies. The main contributing factors to the frustration with my first born, were mainly due to inexperience and stress. Therefore, I believe that it is crucial for a new mom to learn about breasting feeding several months before her baby is due. It is a natural experience, but it definitely does not come naturally and practice, patience, and support is vital. There may be breastfeeding classes to take at your local hospital, you can consult with a lactation specialist, and even watch you tube videos to help you learn about this new experience. My advice is to learn and prepare, as much as possible, to ensure your best success, which will then reduce your stress, which is a major factor to a positive nursing experience. Quality nursing clothing, such as nursing tops, nursing bras, nursing dresses, and nursing pajamas will contribute to a good experience, too!

The following link provides 24 helpful breastfeeding tips: Click Here!


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