Monday, December 10, 2012

Swollen Ankles & Feet during Pregnacy?

Are you experiencing swollen ankles, feet, and hands during your pregnancy? These symptoms seem to be more common for expecting moms who are due in the summer months, in their final months of pregnancy, or past due. According to the American Pregnancy Association, a woman's body produces 50% more blood and body fluids during pregnancy, to meet the needs of the developing baby, which can contribute to swelling. Although slight swelling is common, a sudden swelling of the face and hands can indicate a more serious condition and your doctor should be notified.

Some helpful hints to help reduce mild swelling during pregnancy are:

♥Limit outdoor time when weather is hot
♥Limit long periods of standing
♥Elevate feet while resting
♥Avoid heels & wear comfortable shoes
♥Wear supportive tights or stockings. For maximum effect, keep the supportive stockings under your pillow & then put them on while lying horizontal, before you stand up to get out of bed in the morning. This may require some assistance, especially during the final month of pregnancy!
♥Avoid tight fitting clothes
♥Swim or relax in a refreshing pool
♥Apply cold compresses to swollen area
♥Limit salt intake
♥Drink doctor recommended amount of water & avoid caffeine


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