Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Creative & Simple Valentine's Dinner Idea!

A Creative & Simple Valentine's Dinner Idea!

Valentine's Day is a special time to express your love and thankfulness to those who are most dear to your heart. As an expecting mom or new mom, it may not always be convenient or affordable for you to go our for a nice dinner with your hubby. Why not transform a place in your home into a romantic  restaurant this evening! This is what I'm working on this afternoon :)

I took a small patio table from our backyard, draped it with a black sheet and decorated with paper rose petals, a chocolate rose, and Hershey kisses. Then, I made a fun Valentine's card by taping his favorite candy onto paper, making it into a fun & personal message! (All from the 99 cent store!) I used plates and candles that I already had around the house. In a while, I will be making his favorite dinner, enchiladas!

It's not too late, you can put together a creative & simple Valentine surprise with what you have available around your house. Keep it simple and have some fun! Most of all, he will appreciate your effort and time together!


Unknown said...

Truly, it is creative yet simple valentine’s day idea. I also want to host a party at domestic party venues in San Francisco for my parent’s golden anniversary. Trying to gather interesting ideas for this DIY bash. I wonder if you can help regarding it.

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