Monday, February 18, 2013

Stylish Nursing Clothes for the Modern Breastfeeding Mom!

                                     Stylish Nursing Clothes for the Modern Breastfeeding Mom!

The modern maternity clothes of today include many options for pregnant and nursing moms, like nursing tops, nursing dresses, and nursing pajamas. In the past, maternity fashions were very limited and nursing clothes were not readily available.

I still remember the inconvenience and embarrassment of trying to breastfeed my newborn in public over twenty years ago. I would work myself into a frenzy, searching for a place of privacy to breastfeed, either retreating to my car in the parking lot or sitting on a commode in a public restroom! Even if I threw a blanket over my shoulder for privacy, it was difficult to not expose my post-preggo belly and rolls during the process of nursing my newborn.

Today, there are many stylish nursing clothes available for breastfeeding moms that are creatively designed for easy nursing access. Although they tend to be more expensive than regular maternity clothes, consider that most of them can be worn during your entire pregnancy and beyond since they have a discrete nursing design. When purchasing nursing clothes, remember to invest in a few comfortable and good quality nursing bras that can be worn during your pregnancy and beyond, too.

By adding nursing clothes to your maternity wardrobe now, you will be ready to nurse your baby with confidence, when ever & where ever you decide to go!


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