Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pregnancy Hormones, Part 2

                                                           Pregnancy Hormones, Part 2

The role of pregnancy hormones is amazing and complex! Although the hormones of pregnancy have many significant benefits for your and your baby's health, they can cause you to experience many symptoms of discomfort, as well. Knowing the role and influence of certain hormones can help you understand your body and prompt you to discuss treatment options with your pregnancy doctor.

In my previous blog, I discussed the role & influence of the hormone hCG, which is vital during your early stages of pregnancy, but can make you feel nauseated, sometimes to the point of vomiting!

Today, I will discuss the role and effects of a few more pregnancy hormones. During the second trimester of your pregnancy, your placenta is now producing large amounts of estrogen & progesterone to maintain your pregnancy & aid in your baby's development. The role and influence of these hormones is summarized below:


Role: Helps to maintain your uterine lining to support your baby. Keeps your uterus in a relaxed
          state while your baby grows, inhibiting the contractions of labor. Stimulates breast tissue
          growth, but inhibits lactation until after birth.
Effects: Swollen and/or bleeding gums, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, hip pain, skin
             breakouts, sleepiness.

Baby Benefits: Allows your uterus to grow, making room for your baby's growth.

Role After Pregnancy: Initiates the process of lactation & delivery, when levels rapidly decline.


Role: Stimulates your uterus & breasts to grow, and increases your blood circulation.

Effects: Breast tenderness, stuffy nose, headaches, sinus congestion, changes in skin
             color & sensitivity (increased dryness & itching). Positive and/or negative effects on 
Effects on Baby: Helps with your baby's organ & bone development.

Other pregnancy hormones are relaxin and oxytocin. Along with progesterone, relaxin is involved with muscle relaxation, allowing your uterus and ligaments to stretch. Oxytocin is thought to be the hormone that triggers your nesting response in which you start to clean house, cook, and prepare for your baby's arrival!

Wow! How incredible to think that God designed our bodies to house and deliver such an incredible gift of life and how pregnancy has a way of preparing us for the amazing journey of motherhood!

Written & Summarized by: Shelley Scheibel RN, BSN



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