Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Exercising While Pregnant

                                                            Exercising While Pregnant

Exercising while pregnant can be fun and relaxing, especially during the summer months, when done with another mom, friend, or as a family.

1. Walking is an easy exercise that can be done each day during pregnancy. In the summer months, find a safe and peaceful place to take a walk in the early evening, when it is cooler. A walk helps you to wind down from the day and get some fresh air. If you have young children, they will enjoy getting out for an adventure. So, put them in the stroller and be on your way! For safety reasons, it is always best to walk with a friend and bring your cell phone, water bottle, and a few healthy snacks. 

2. Swimming is a great exercise because it uses your arm and leg muscles for a total body workout and is low-impact. It gets your circulation going which has many positive benefits for you and your baby. In the pool, you will feel cool, weightless, and have low risk of injury.  If you don't have access to a pool, call your local community center to inquire about a water aerobic class. Ask a friend to join you or meet new friends there.

Many pregnant women find that exercising during pregnancy gives them more energy, better sleep, and improved ability to deal with the emotional challenges of pregnancy.


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