Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pregnancy Health- Vitamin D

It seems like many are discovering that they have low vitamin D levels and it is becoming more common for doctors to test for vitamin D levels during routine blood work. If you are having a yearly physical exam or blood work done, you may want to ask your doctor about having your vitamin D level checked. Vitamin D helps your body with many functions, including the absorption of calcium,  to help form and maintain strong bones. Recent studies suggest that vitamin D may provide protection from osteoporosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, and many autoimmune diseases. According to an associate at the Pitt Public Health Department of Epidemiology, "Vitamin D deficiency in early pregnancy is associated with lower birth weights." I would suggest calling your doctor to ask about your need for vitamin D supplements.

For additional reading, you may want to view the following articles:


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