Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Meaningful Baby Shower Ideas

                                                      Meaningful Baby Shower Ideas

While traditional baby shower ideas include playing fun and silly games, I have found that sharing wisdom and words of advice, with the mommy-to-be, can be a great source of encouragement for her as she enters motherhood. Since some may prefer to have time to think of something to share, tell guests to think of a word of wisdom and/or advice to share with the expectant mom at the baby shower.  You may consider providing a "words of wisdom" card in their invitation, along with having them at a table at the baby shower.  Before the baby shower gifts are opened, announce that you have a special gift for the mommy-to-be and read the cards out loud. Later, put them in a cute photo album for her to treasure as a keepsake during times that she may need to read them most!


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