Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Best Baby Shower Gifts!

                                                            Best Baby Shower Gifts!

Shopping for the best baby shower gifts is usually easy as the mom-to-be may have a gift registry. However, there are creative baby shower gifts to consider which she will enjoy, too!

Baby Shower Gift List Ideas:

1. Gift certificate to the couple's favorite restaurant, with baby sitting provided.
2. Special memory basket, filled with baby heirlooms that had been given to either of the parents-to-be, when they were born. For example, the parents of the expecting parents may have saved a handmade blanket, booties, or bonnet which was made by a grandmother. Including a photo of them with the grandmother adds a sentimental touch, as well.
3. Baby clothes in a few larger sizes that the newborn can wear later as they grow.
4. Emergency Baby Kit: infant pain reliever, thermometer, diaper rash cream, diapers, etc. This may save a late night trip to the pharmacy for the new parents.
5. Make personal gift certificates for homemade dinners, grocery shopping & delivery, housecleaning services, and babysitting for siblings. Be creative!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Headaches during Pregnancy

                                                          Headaches during Pregnancy

During pregnancy you may have concerns about the safety of taking medicine to relieve headaches.

Discuss the recommended treatment choices with your doctor that are safe for you and your baby, should you develop a headache.

Consider headache prevention tips to help avoid the onset of headaches, such as:

1. Managing stress by finding healthy ways to cope. Many find that taking a daily walk helps.

2. Eat smaller portions of food more often, including a source of protein, to help
    regulate your blood sugar levels.

3. Drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated.

4. Maintain a regular sleep schedule to avoid fatigue.
Saturday, October 5, 2013

What's New in Stylish Nursing Tops for your Fall Maternity Fashion?

                               What's New in Fall & Winter Maternity Fashion for Nursing Tops?

If your final months of pregnancy are in the Fall or Winter Season, consider maternity tops that can also function as nursing tops after your baby's delivery. This makes a good value choice! This season's maternity fashions show pretty earth tones of plum, brown, emerald green, and navy. Easy nursing access makes breastfeeding convenient, whether you are on the go and at home. Shop a great selection of stylish maternity tops for both now and after your pregnancy at!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Ideas for Keeping Your Family Close at Heart, Even at a Distance

                          Ideas for Keeping Your Family Close at Heart, Even at a Distance

Being a new mom is filled with days of excitement, as you watch your baby grow so quickly each day. Yet, living away from close family and not being able to share this excitement can be difficult. Consider some creative ideas to keep your family close at heart, even at a distance.

Schedule a regular, weekly time to communicate with family by Skype or FaceTime.

Video your baby on your smart phone & send to family.

Create a photo album by using Shutterbug & send to family.

Encourage your family to take video, with short messages from them to your baby. Ask them to send the video messages & keep them to show your baby as he/she grows older. 

You will always be thankful you invested the time & energy in keeping your family close at heart by taking the time to include them in your baby's life.

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