Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Pregnancy Announcements

There are so many creative ways to announce your pregnancy to your loved ones, from a creative card to a specially planned moment! But, making the announcement to your employer may be more complex.

When I became pregnant with my first child, I hesitated to tell my employer because I was newly employed and feared that I would lose my job. I would fight giving in to my morning sickness nausea from 8am to 5pm, then zip home to throw up! Since my boss was a mother of 3 children, I thought my news would be received with better understanding. So, I decided to tell her early in my pregnancy. She was surprised, but received the news well. I felt a huge sense of relief and was happy to gain her support and understanding.

If you are facing the decision of when to announce your pregnancy to your boss, you may find the following article helpful:



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