Monday, February 4, 2013

Pregnancy Stretch Marks

                                                         Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Up to 90% of pregnant women develop pregnancy stretch marks, especially during the final months of their pregnancy. They are red or purple colored stripes that fade to a whitish-silvery color during the following 6 to 12 months after pregnancy.

The definite cause of stretch marks seems to vary, but most agree that when the skin is rapidly stretched and pulled, its collagen production can not keep up with the increased demands which results in the skin's inability to stretch as it needs to,  resulting in tissue damage that causes scars, called stretch marks. For this reason, many believe that slow, steady, and consistent weight gain during pregnancy may help reduce pregnancy stretch marks. But, it is always best to regularly consult with your doctor for his/her recommended weight gain guidelines that are best for your individual situation. Some believe that genetics play a role in whether one will develop stretch marks, too. However, some have reported that they developed stretch marks, but their mother and/or sister didn't. Others have said that they got stretch marks with their first pregnancy, but not their second!

Since most women are conscientious of developing stretch marks, many companies have developed creams, salves, and oils which claim to prevent them. But, be aware that there is much controversy as to if they actually work. However, what most do agree upon is that keeping your belly well moisturized helps to reduce the uncomfortable itching that often accompanies a growing belly!

To whatever degree you may experience stretch marks during pregnancy, remember that although there is no absolute cure to prevent them from occurring or disappearing, there are many treatment options and suggestions to lessen their appearance. Consult with your pregnancy doctor to get treatment options that are safe for you and your baby. Also, be prepared that insurance companies may not cover these treatments, as they are cosmetic in nature.


preeti said...

Stretch marks during pregnancy are caused by the stretching of skin to its limits. As the stomach enlarges to accommodate the baby, the skin stretches itself and when the baby is delivered, the marks are left on the body.

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